Marko Frelih and Tina Palaić

Mozambican sculpture in the Slovene Ethnographic Museum

Blog post by Marko Frelih, PhD, archaeologist and curator of non-European collections (Africa and America) and Tina Palaić, anthropologist and educator.(read more)

Helen Mears

Reflections from a Workshop on ‘Co-collecting’ in European Ethnographic Museums

Blog post by Helen Mears, Keeper of World Art, Royal Pavilion & Museums, Brighton & Hove (UK) (read more)

Sandra Ferracuti

Ethnography Museums, the Arts, and European Citizenship

Reflections based on the Workshop “Visual Arts, Performing Arts & Museums” (26, 27 May 2015 - Pigorini Museum, Rome)(read more)


Which forms of collecting will be relevant in the future for ethnographic museums and museums of world culture? What are fruitful examples of collaborations with artists? Which ways of working with communities can be considered successful for all involved sides? Topics connected to these and many other questions raised within the frame of the SWICH project will be addressed in this blog.(read more)